Meet ApproveThis

ApproveThis keeps your business moving while your approvals stay organized. No matter what the process or department you'll have a single place to mange your most important business processes.

Get Started

Request, monitor and track approvals for that
menu. vacation. process. schedule. bill. order.

Meet the ultimate approval helper for busy managers in hotels, restaurants, and retail stores. Get all your approvals done quickly and easily, making your job a breeze!

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Easy approvals for busy managers

Accept requests through forms, emails, or by connecting with other tools.

Start approvals with a simple form

Create a form that your team can use to manage staff schedules, order supplies, or plan menus. Our easy-to-use, mobile-friendly forms are perfect for handling all your hotel, restaurant, or retail tasks.

Custom forms for your needs

Need must-have fields or a working link? Our smart forms make sure you get the info you need to make the best decisions.

SSafe and secure

Keep your request forms safe with ApproveThis login (add 2FA or SSO if needed) or just collect an email address.

Your own approval mailboxes


Get requests through a special email box you create, perfect for handling marketing campaigns, facility upgrades, or employee training.

Collaborate with everyone

Working with people who don't have ApproveThis yet? Add your mailbox address to any message to start the approval process for things like health and safety compliance or guest experience improvements.

Make it yours

Pick an easy-to-remember address, so getting approvals for your hotel, restaurant, or retail store is always on your mind.

Smart routing for better approvals

Make sure your requests go to the right person with approval groups, delegates, and multi-step approvals.

Delegate when needed

Taking a break or going on a trip? Approvers can set up time-triggered approval delegation to keep things moving smoothly.

Multi-Step Approval Flows

Set up your approval flows to send requests to all approvers at once or move to the next step as each one is accepted.

Approval Groups

Create groups of users who can approve each step in your process, like hiring new staff or selecting vendors, to ensure a great guest experience.

No more chasing approvals

Automatic reminders and easy-to-set notifications through Email (with Slack and SMS coming soon) will make your work smoother, faster, and hassle-free.

“Our discount approval process had our reps constantly slacking our CFO. ApproveThis kept our CFO from going nuts.“

Marcia Hill, Sales Leader
Inbox user interface

Need to chat before saying "yes"?

Want more details before giving the green light? Threaded comments let people ask and answer questions, saving the talk for later review. Perfect for discussing budgets, promotions, or policy changes.

Customer profile user interface

Reporting to monitor and audit approvals in every part of your organization.

Who approved that?

Never forget who approved what with search and two-year data retention.

Stop "Mom and Pop" approval shopping

Have multiple approvers? Our approval reports will ensure your business is operating consistently.


Soothe passionate bureaucrats with audit logging

Exportable, searchable logs will satisfy the pickiest risk management, compliance, internal controls, and legal teams.

Pricing you'll approve of

All plans are priced per approver and include unlimited approval flows and requests.




per month

or pay yearly and save 21%


per month

paid annually ($180/year)


  • 3

    Approvers Included.

    Extra approvers $10/mo.

  • Approval Flow EngineTM w/ multiple steps and approval groups.
  • Accept approvals via mobile-friendly web form or custom email inbox.
  • Approval management dashboard



per month

or pay yearly and save 29%


per month

paid annually ($300/year)


  • 5

    Approvers Included.

    Extra approvers $8/mo.

  • Everything in Basics plan.
  • Slack Integration
  • Advanced reporting and audit logs
  • Delegate approvals when approvers are out of office.
  • Team administration and management
  • View approval metrics by approver, requestor, or workflow.



per month

or pay yearly and save 39%


per month

paid annually ($720/year)


  • 10

    Approvers Included.

    Extra approvers $6/mo.

  • Everything in Business plan.
  • Configurable Data Retention
  • API Access (rate-limited)
  • Personalized, 1-on-1 onboarding
  • Priority Email Support

Frequently asked questions

How are accounts billed?
Billing is processed by our third party processesor Paddle. Accounts are billed in accordance with their active plan, for each approver registered on an approval flow. Requesters and administrators not assigned to an approval workflow are not billed. Each "Team" is billed separately, and requires its own plan.
What counts as a user/approver?
ApproveThis bills for approvers only. Approvers are calculated by determining the number of unique users assigned to a workflow on the billing date. Other types of users (for example, requesters and administrators not assigned to an approval flow) are free. If an approver has delegated their authority, and that delegate is active on the invoice date, they are counted towards the total approvers.
What counts as a user/approver?
Approvers are tallied at the end of your billing period. Each active user assigned to an approval flow counts as an approver. Non-approving users are free.
Do requesters need to be logged in to submit a request?
Approval Flows can be configured to allow anonymous users (not registered in the ApproveThis system), or only registered users to initiate requests.
Do you offer a non-profit discount?
Kindly contact for a 50% discount code. The non-profit discount program may be discontinued at any time and access will be granted at ApproveThis Inc's sole discretion.
Do you offer a volume discount for large orgnizations?
Please contact or book a demo. Organizations with more than 25 approvers are eligible to pay a flat platform fee and discounted per-seat fee.
How long do you retain customer data?
Requests, logs, and approvals are retained for two years. Customers requiring longer or shorter retention periods can utilize our Enterprise or custom contracts to configure data retention on a per-workflow or per account basis.